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Memorial Tournament

Valer Vasile Demian
Valer Vasile Demian

The Romanian Correspondence Chess Central Commission and ICCF IM Valer Eugen Demian are happy to announce the organizing of Valer Vasile Demian Memorial (ROU). This memorial takes place on the ICCF server and it consists of 6 groups of 15 players each from a total of 34 countries.

Direct LINK to the tournament page

New Chess Puzzles

Chess Diagram
[Event "Puzzle #385"][Date "2021.04.05"][Result "1-0"][SetUp "1"][FEN "8/4k3/1p2n3/p3PB2/7P/5K2/5P2/8 w - - 0 1"]
Chess Diagram
[Event "Puzzle #384"][Date "2021.03.16"][Result "0-1"][SetUp "1"][FEN "r2r3k/p3b3/q4NQp/5P2/3B4/1P6/5RPP/6K1 b - - 0 1"]
Chess Diagram

[Event "Puzzle #383"][Date "2021.02.10"][Result "1-0"][SetUp "1"][FEN "r1b2rk1/3p1ppp/p2Q2nP/q3p3/1p2P3/2N5/PPP1BPP1/2KR3R w - - 2 18"]

Latest Content

  • Bad Ideas

    Submitted by eugen on Sun, 07/28/2024 - 12:06
    This article was published originally on The Chess Improver blog on 2016-11-08
    I have reposted it here for reference.

    "Errare humanum est..."

    Everyone has their fair share of bad ideas over a chess career. It is as they say part of the human nature. Key is to learn from them instead of persisting down that road because:
    "... sed in errare (errore) perseverare diabolicum"

  • Quiet Moves Sample

    Submitted by eugen on Sun, 07/28/2024 - 11:58
    This article was published originally on The Chess Improver blog on 2016-11-01
    I have reposted it here for reference.

    "... By definition, quiet moves are moves that are not a capture, check or immediate threat to the opposition. This includes subtle developmental moves or moves that improve a piece's position (placing it on a more active square)..."
    Hugh Patterson (The Chess Improver)

  • Choose Your Weapon

    Submitted by eugen on Sun, 07/28/2024 - 11:43
    This article was published originally on The Chess Improver blog on 2016-10-18
    I have reposted it here for reference.

    Online voting chess is a nice challenge. Rules are very simple: two teams face each other in one game, each team can have as many members as possible, reflection time is 2 days per move and moves are selected by a majority of votes (each member has 1 vote). During the 2 days of reflection time each team discusses the position and merits of possible moves.