World Champion destroys top opposition

Submitted by eugen on Wed, 05/06/2015 - 12:57
The World Champion GM Magnus Carlsen has won another top level tournament "Gashimov Memorial" with an overwhelming 7 out of 9 score (no losses). In round 7 he took advantage of the material imbalance (Queen and pawn for Bishop and Rook) and forced GM Kramnik to resign when facing a sure checkmate. Enjoy! [Event "Gashimov Memorial"][Site "Shamkir AZE"][Date "2015.04.24"][Round "7"][White "Carlsen, Magnus"][Black "Kramnik, Vladimir"][WhiteElo "2863"][BlackElo "2783"][Result "1-0"][SetUp "1"][FEN "1Q6/5p1k/4bKpp/8/1P3PP1/7P/5r2/8 w - - 1 47"][ECO "C65"]{Annotator "GM Lubomir Kavalek/The Huffington Post"}47. f5 gxf5 ({After} 47... Bxf5 48. Qa7 $1 {the double-attack on the rook and the f7-pawn wins.}) 48. Qg3 $1 {Magnus chooses the faster win, finding another way to reach the square g7 with his queen.} (48. g5 {also wins:} Rg2 49. h4 hxg5 50. h5 {Renewing the threat 51.Qf8, White wins.} Kh6 51. Qh8#) 48... Rf1 49. g5 {Black can't cope with multiple mating threats.} (49. g5 h5 (49... f4 50. Qh4) (49... Rc1 50. gxh6) 50. g6+)