Mate in 2
Chess Diagram
[Event "Puzzle #352"][Date "2018.09.09"][Result "1-0"][SetUp "1"][FEN "8/8/4Q3/8/8/6N1/6k1/4K2R w K - 0 1"]
The warm up puzzle marking the beginning of level 3 is a checkmate in 2 similar with the one done in class this past week. Of course it is white to move. There are 2 variations and each one is worth 5 points.
Total available points for this puzzle is 10. The answers will be published next time together with puzzle #353.
Puzzle #351 solution:
The last puzzle of level 2 is by Graham Burgess. This week's best answers are by the top scorers:
[Event "Puzzle #351"][Date "2018.06.24"][Result "1-0"][SetUp "1"][FEN "3r2rk/1pn3bp/2pqb3/8/5N2/8/1B1Q1PPP/2R1R1K1 w - - 0 1"]1. Ng6+ hxg6 2. Qh6#
Correct solutions:
Walter, Aiden, Mengbai, Coby, Joey, Eric, Lyvia, Zhengyu, Matthew - 10 points
Brian - 8 points
Jacey, Glyn - 1 point
Matthew - 194 points
Eric - 179 points
Aiden, Coby - 171 points
Joey - 158 points
Lyvia - 155 points
Mengbai - 154 points
Walter - 136 points
Zhengyu - 125 points
Blake - 105 points
Glyn - 90 points
Jacey - 88 points
Brian - 80 points
Lucas - 74 points
Itamar - 34 points
Chris - 27 points
Steven - 14 points
Total available points for this puzzle is 10. The answers will be published next time together with puzzle #353.
Puzzle #351 solution:
The last puzzle of level 2 is by Graham Burgess. This week's best answers are by the top scorers:
[Event "Puzzle #351"][Date "2018.06.24"][Result "1-0"][SetUp "1"][FEN "3r2rk/1pn3bp/2pqb3/8/5N2/8/1B1Q1PPP/2R1R1K1 w - - 0 1"]1. Ng6+ hxg6 2. Qh6#
Correct solutions:
Walter, Aiden, Mengbai, Coby, Joey, Eric, Lyvia, Zhengyu, Matthew - 10 points
Brian - 8 points
Jacey, Glyn - 1 point
Matthew - 194 points
Eric - 179 points
Aiden, Coby - 171 points
Joey - 158 points
Lyvia - 155 points
Mengbai - 154 points
Walter - 136 points
Zhengyu - 125 points
Blake - 105 points
Glyn - 90 points
Jacey - 88 points
Brian - 80 points
Lucas - 74 points
Itamar - 34 points
Chris - 27 points
Steven - 14 points