Queen versus pawn
Chess Diagram
[Event "Puzzle #347"][Date "2018.05.13"][Result "1-0"][SetUp "1"][FEN "8/6P1/8/8/8/5k1p/8/4K3 w - - 0 1"]
After a long game the pawn race has reached its critical point. White is one step ahead and has a great chance to win the game. Your tasks:
a) What part of the game is the position from?
b) Show the best winning line for white you can think of
Total available points for this puzzle is 15. The answers will be published next time together with puzzle #348.
Puzzle #346 solution:
Game Krogius – Aratovski, 1945. This week's best answers are by the top scorers; however nobody found the complete, correct answer:
a) The opening name is Philidor defence
[Event "Puzzle #346"][Date "2018.04.29"][Result "?-?"]1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 Nd7 4. Bc4 c6 5. Ng5 Nh6 6. a4 Be7 {The solution is} 7. Bxf7+ Nxf7 8. Ne6 Qb6 {Game line} (8... Qa5+ 9. Bd2 Qb6 10. Nxg7+ Kd8 11. Ne6+ Ke8 12. a5 Qxb2 13. Bc3) 9. a5 Qb4+ 10. c3 Qc4 11. Nc7+ Kd8 12. b3
Correct solutions:
Aiden, Lyvia, Joey, Matthew - 13 points
Blake - 7 points
Eric, Zhengyu, Walter, Coby, Jacey, Mengbai, Brian, Glyn - 6 points
Itamar - 5 points
Chris, Lucas - 2 points
Chris - 2 points for #345
Chris - 1 point for #344
Joey - 75 points
Matthew - 74 points
Lyvia - 73 points
Eric - 67 points
Aiden - 64 points
Coby - 60 points
Walter, Zhengyu - 53 points
Mengbai - 39 points
Glyn - 35 points
Blake - 33 points
Brian - 31 points
Lucas - 27 points
Jacey - 17 points
Itamar - 15 points
Steven - 8 points
Chris - 7 points
a) What part of the game is the position from?
b) Show the best winning line for white you can think of
Total available points for this puzzle is 15. The answers will be published next time together with puzzle #348.
Puzzle #346 solution:
Game Krogius – Aratovski, 1945. This week's best answers are by the top scorers; however nobody found the complete, correct answer:
a) The opening name is Philidor defence
[Event "Puzzle #346"][Date "2018.04.29"][Result "?-?"]1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 Nd7 4. Bc4 c6 5. Ng5 Nh6 6. a4 Be7 {The solution is} 7. Bxf7+ Nxf7 8. Ne6 Qb6 {Game line} (8... Qa5+ 9. Bd2 Qb6 10. Nxg7+ Kd8 11. Ne6+ Ke8 12. a5 Qxb2 13. Bc3) 9. a5 Qb4+ 10. c3 Qc4 11. Nc7+ Kd8 12. b3
Correct solutions:
Aiden, Lyvia, Joey, Matthew - 13 points
Blake - 7 points
Eric, Zhengyu, Walter, Coby, Jacey, Mengbai, Brian, Glyn - 6 points
Itamar - 5 points
Chris, Lucas - 2 points
Chris - 2 points for #345
Chris - 1 point for #344
Joey - 75 points
Matthew - 74 points
Lyvia - 73 points
Eric - 67 points
Aiden - 64 points
Coby - 60 points
Walter, Zhengyu - 53 points
Mengbai - 39 points
Glyn - 35 points
Blake - 33 points
Brian - 31 points
Lucas - 27 points
Jacey - 17 points
Itamar - 15 points
Steven - 8 points
Chris - 7 points