Blog entries
Reykjavik Open 2015 - round 8 miniatures (3)
Reykjavik Open 2015 - round 8 miniatures (2)
Reykjavik Open 2015 - round 8 miniatures (1)
It is an administration and pairing program for chess-tournaments of the following formats:
Individual and team round robin
Individual and team Swiss system
Simple publishing of tournaments at the international chess-tournament-result-server:
a very fast and reliable platform free to use for all chessfriends
Milionaire Chess 2015
The second edition of Millionaire Chess by GM Maurice Ashley is coming. Enjoy the promo video for now and consider playing. Highly recommended!
Sofia Stanescu-Bellu (Michigan) wins scholarship!
Susan Polgar Foundation Nationwide Open 2015
San Francisco
Harmony Zhu and Ellen DeGeneres
Do you remember her? How about her extraordinary personality and English, eh? A true "Golden Knight". Video dated Feb 3rd, 2015.
Sofia Stanescu-Bellu (Michigan, USA)
Our student participating @ this prestigious North American event is:
Girls 16-18: Sofia Stanescu-Bellu (Michigan)
Good luck Sofia!