Puzzle of the week #311

Submitted by eugen on Mon, 02/27/2017 - 16:25
Bishop's position
Chess Diagram
[Event "Puzzle #311"][Date "2017.02.27"][Result "1-0"][SetUp "1"][FEN "r3kbr1/1b3p2/pq2p1pp/1p1nQ1B1/3pN3/3B4/PP3PPP/2R1R1K1 w q - 0 1"]
Black is up 2 pawns in this middlegame position. The last moves were 1. Bg5 (to stop the Queen side castle) h6 (to chase away that annoying Bishop). Your tasks:
a) Analyse the position and decide who stands better and why
b) White to move and win the game

Total available points for this puzzle is 20. The answers will be published next time together with puzzle #312.

Puzzle #310 solution:
Game Weijun – Zhongyi, Women WCh 2017. Bradley's answers:
"I think that black is better because:
- white's rook is undeveloped, with his knight blocking it. Until he develops it, he is down a rook
- white's bishop would be a good attacker, but the other pieces don't do anything to help with the attack
- it is nearing the endgame, and black has his king closer to the centre.
- black's king is safer simply because it is under less attack. White's king can easily be attacked by the rooks."

[Event "Puzzle #310"][Date "2017.02.22"][Result "0-1"][SetUp "1"][FEN "2r1rk2/p5pp/2N2p2/1p1B4/1bp2PP1/8/PP5P/RN4K1 b - - 0 26"]26... Re1+ (26... Bc5+ {Dheera} 27. Kg2 Re2+ 28. Kh3 Rce8) (26... c3 {Benjamin} 27. Nxc3 (27. Nxb4??)) 27. Kf2 {Coco, Cody} (27. Kg2 {Deryk, Coco, Cody} 27... Re2+ 28. Kg1 Bc5+ 29. Kh1 Rf2 30. Nc3 Re8) 27... Rce8 (27... c3 28. bxc3 (28. Nxc3??) 28... Bxc3 29. Nxc3 Rxa1) 28. Nxb4 R8e2+ {Uros, Bradley, Jalen} 29. Kf3 Rxb2 30. Nc6 c3 {won the game @ move 37}

Correct solutions:
Bradley - 20 points
Jalen - 18 points
Deryk, Coco, Cody - 12 points
Dheera - 10 points
Uros - 7 points
Benjamin - 3 points

Jalen - 93 points
Coco - 85 points
Cody, Bradley - 76 points
Benjamin - 62 points
Deryk - 51 points
Uros - 36 points
Dheera - 23 points
Yakov - 11 points