Puzzle of the week #256

Submitted by eugen on Tue, 05/27/2014 - 22:07

Basic endgames: R vs P

Chess Diagram
[Event "Puzzle #256"][Date "2014.05.27"][Result "1-0"][SetUp "1"][FEN "3K4/8/8/5p2/4k3/8/8/R7 w - - 0 1"]
This Rook versus pawn basic endgame should continue with white to move. Your tasks:
a) What do you think the result is going to be?
b) Put together a plan to obtain that result
c) Write the best line you can think of

Total available points for this puzzle is 25. The answers will be published next week together with puzzle #257.

Puzzle #255 solution:
Orr – Vajda, 2002. Best answers:
a) "It is a queen-pawn endgame with the pawn 2 steps away from promotion on the rook file"
d) "It matters because if white moved first it would be a checkmate, but if black moved first it would be a draw after the h3-pawn advances"
- Jalen
b) Solution - Jalen, Toro
[Event "Puzzle #255"][Date "2014.05.16"][Result "?-?"][SetUp "1"][FEN "8/8/8/8/1K1Q4/7p/8/7k w - - 0 1"]1.Qf2 h2 2.Qf1#
c) Solution - Jalen
[Event "Puzzle #255"][Date "2014.05.16"][Result "?-?"][SetUp "1"][FEN "8/8/8/8/1K1Q4/7p/8/7k b - - 0 1"]1... h2 {draw}

Correct solutions:
Jalen, Toro - 20 points
Coco, Bradley - 17 points
Hyson, Daniel - 15 points
Mrinal, Anya - 10 points
Brandon, Oliver, Benjamin, Aaron - 5 points
Cody - 2 points

Bradley - 83 points
Jalen - 74 points
Toro - 72 points
Hyson - 70 points
Coco - 67 points
Benjamin, Brandon, Oliver - 62 points
Anya - 57 points
Aaron - 47 points
Cody - 45 points
Daniel - 40 points
Mrinal - 15 points