Puzzle of the week #338

Submitted by eugen on Sun, 03/04/2018 - 18:51
Double check
Chess Diagram
[Event "Puzzle #338"][Date "2018.03.04"][Result "1-0"][SetUp "1"][FEN "r1bqkb1r/pppnpppp/8/7B/2NPn3/1Q6/PPP2PPP/RNB2RK1 w kq - 0 1"]
White has an overwhelming advantage and should move next. Your tasks are:
a) Explain the advantage white has
b) Where should white focus the attack?
c) Show the quickest way to win for white
d) What tactic should white use?

Total available points for this puzzle is 20. The answers will be published next time together with puzzle #339.

Puzzle #337 solution:
Internet puzzle 2014. This week's best answers are by Coby. He gets bonus points for his complete analysis:
a) A invented position because it doesn't look like a normal game.
b) See diagram below
c) White should use discover check

[Event "Puzzle #337"][Date "2018.02.25"][Result "1-0"][SetUp "1"][FEN "R1B4k/8/8/7K/8/8/p1pppppp/1Q6 w - - 0 1"]1. Kh6 h1=Q+ (1... g1=Q 2.Bg4#) (1... f1=Q 2.Bf5#) (1... e1=Q 2.Be6#) (1... d1=Q 2.Bd7#) (1... c1=Q 2.Qh7#) (1... cxb1=Q 2.Bb7#) (1... axb1=Q 2.Bb7#) (1... a1=Q 2.Ba6#) 2.Bh3#

Correct solutions:
Coby - 20 points (15 + 5 bonus)
Glyn, Eric, Matthew - 15 points
Darius, Blake - 12 points
Lyvia, Aiden, Joey, Zhengyu, Lucas - 11 points
Mengbai, Walter - 9 points
Jacey - 7 points
Brian - 5 points
Chris - 2 points for puzzle #334
Chris - 3 points for puzzle #335

Matthew - 125 points
Eric - 120 points
Lyvia - 111 points
Coby - 109 points
Joey - 90 points
Mengbai - 88 points
Aiden - 86 points
Glyn - 85 points
Zhengyu - 76 points
Brian - 65 points
Jacey - 63 points
Blake - 62 points
Lucas - 57 points
Itamar - 52 points
Walter - 48 points
Darius - 20 points
Chris - 8 points